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became known

See become known

Usage examples of "became known".

Great was the consternation in the Barry and Cuthbert households when the events of the afternoon became known.

Therefore, the formation of historians is created by the Assembly to continue the writings of Humankind, they became known as the Keepers.

Considering what you are already facing, if it became known you were involved in this, even on the edge of it .

Once their purpose and function became known, however, their novelty died, and Gaynor and Harlan quested on for new fields to conquer.

As soon as their presence became known the army would start hunting them, and the Covin would come to assist.

Up North, blacks typically found themselves restricted to menial labor and compelled to live in slum districts that became known as ghettoes.

Surely, though, she would be fully reinstated when it became known she had accompanied him under duress.

There was a great deal of hurry and excitement after the news became known.

So nervous that it became known a contract was out on Homer Ramos.

We reasoned that Ariana's reputation might suffer if it became known that we were travelling alone like that.

He could see the forms of men throwing black shadows in the red light, and as he went nearer it became known to him in some way that the ground was strewn with sleeping men.

Of course, when it became known, what with that dreadful trial and the horrible assertions of Dr.

Eager as we were to escape the smell of fish and visit old haunts, there were things Morley and I had to get done before our return became known.

It was hardly something the Sword would undertake lightly, both because of the evidentiary standards required to initiate such a move and the risk of political damage if it became known.