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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beautify \Beau"ti*fy\ (b[=u]"t[i^]*f[imac]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Beautified (b[=u]"t[i^]*f[imac]); p. pr. & vb. n. Beautifying.] [Beauty + -fy.] To make or render beautiful; to add beauty to; to adorn; to deck; to grace; to embellish.

The arts that beautify and polish life.

Syn: To adorn; grace; ornament; deck; decorate.


n. The action of the verb '''to beautify'''; beautification. vb. (present participle of beautify English)

Usage examples of "beautifying".

In such instances, the beautifying tinges of romance, that streak and flush the horizon, neither fade into the grayness of fact, nor die into the darkness of neglect, but now broaden and deepen into the blue of meridian assurance, now clarify and ascend into the starlight of faith and mystery.

Grandma Lynn was due for Thanksgiving, and Lindsey had kept to a beautifying regime Grandma had set up for her through letters.

She gazed at him with new approval when she stopped, the lush, responsive tissues of her dark face turning darker still and blooming somnolently with a swelling and beautifying infusion of blood.