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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beautiful \Beau"ti*ful\ (b[=u]"t[i^]*f[.u]l), a. Having the qualities which constitute beauty; pleasing to the sight or the mind.

A circle is more beautiful than a square; a square is more beautiful than a parallelogram.
--Lord Kames.

Syn: Handsome; elegant; lovely; fair; charming; graceful; pretty; delightful. See Fine. -- Beau"ti*ful*ly, adv. -- Beau"ti*ful*ness, n.


adv. In a beautiful manner.


adv. in a beautiful manner; "her face was beautifully made up" [syn: attractively] [ant: unattractively]

Usage examples of "beautifully".

It is a matter of endless debate whether a novel should have an ethical purpose, or whether it should merely be an attempt to present beautifully any portion of truth clearly perceived, faithfully observed, delicately grouped, and artistically isolated.

It is beautifully crisp, tender and has a delightful appetizing flavor of its own.

He sang them softly, but his beautifully modulated barytone carried well, and every syllable reached her.

The beautifully gowned and bejeweled woman at table, her orange hair elaborately ringleted and besprent with pearls and tiny red stones, was the Lady Samaire, daughter of Ulad and Princess of Leinster.

It was so beautifully done that Brat, knowing what he knew now, felt like applauding.

They were both beautifully engraved, and we expressed our just admiration.

I went off quite peaceably with Grimpus and the sister, and presently we came to a house like a small hydropathic, hideously ugly but beautifully placed, with a view south to the Aller valley.

Lo Manto and Jennifer walked along the quiet grounds of Woodlawn Cemetery, rows of headstones on both sides of the path dotting the beautifully landscaped property in the East Bronx.

She looked around at the wreckage, remembering the vast, beautifully proportioned building on its high podium of many steps, the Ionic columns all bravely painted and gilded, the metopes and pediment veritable masterpieces.

But later on in the night, milor--her milor, as she soon got to call him--came and talked so beautifully that she, poor girl, felt as if no music could ever sound quite so sweetly in her ear.

She enlarged the garden Rhadampsicus had made, adding borders of crystallized ammonia and a sort of walkway with a hedge of monoclinic sulphur which glittered beautifully in the starlight.

Outnumbered and outgeneraled, Varinius had no choice other than to retreat, though he left his beautifully caparisoned Public Horse behind along with most of his soldiers.

Built of the timber of breadfruit and toa, and thatched beautifully with the russet-coloured leaves of the pandanus palm, oblong in shape, they bore an almost exact resemblance, inside and out, to the dwellings in Tahiti and Tubuai.

Archangel went beautifully, considering the Guineas was nearly six weeks away, and Faddy in his high pitched finicky voice said Subito had only been a pound or two behind Pease Pudding last year in his opinion, and he could have been nearer to him if he had really tried.

The whole story was clearly and beautifully told by Photoplay Hieroglyphics.