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The Collaborative International Dictionary

beaten-up \beaten-up\ adj. worn by use into a deplorable condition. the beaten-up old Ford

Syn: battered, beat-up, bedraggled, broken-down, dilapidated, ramshackle, tumble-down, unsound.


adj. damaged by blows or hard usage; "a battered old car"; "the beaten-up old Ford" [syn: battered, beat-up]

Usage examples of "beaten-up".

You snake through Huanuco in your beaten-up taxi, skirting the city market where eight parakeets are sold in a cage the size of a shoe box and chickens are kept in string netting bags and lean, mangy, hungry, flea-ridden dogs slope around the place looking for shade.

As the grief-stricken, burgled, beaten-up person on the sofa, she was unrecognizable.

Bry glanced at him sideways, then turned her attention back to the road to pass a beaten-up trolley bus.