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beaten track

n. (context figuratively singulare tantum English) A well-populated area or well-trodden path; any busy area.

Usage examples of "beaten track".

Behind us the donkeys were harnessed hi single file, moving nose to tail down the middle of die well-beaten track.

One of those hidden chapels tucked away, for one obscure reason or another, in places that were off the beaten track.

The sidewalk stopped, and now they were walking along a beaten track from which weeds grew half-heartedly.

The Empress Lionstone XIV had Mistworld, a cold inhospitable rock well off the beaten track, populated almost entirely by traitors, criminals, rogues whose luck had run out, and runaway espers.

They marched across the fields in good order, following a beaten track that ran down to the beach.

Perhaps he simply did not want to create a beaten track to his hiding place.

But after a four days' halt the mob, with no maneuvers or plans, again began running along the beaten track, neither to the right nor to the left but along the old- the worst- road, through Krasnoe and Orsha.

She gave me the idea of some fierce thing, that was dragging the length of its chain to and fro upon a beaten track, and wearing its heart out.

One is looking for somewhere out of the way, a bit off the beaten track, capable of hosting about a dozen people.