vb. (past participle of beat off English)
Usage examples of "beaten off".
Had I my sword I might have beaten off the Lancer at the door, but to come out now was to be butchered.
But though Robin Hood had beaten off his enemies in fair fight, all this lay heavily upon his mind, so that he brooded over it until a fever seized upon him.
But not in over a hundred years had the untied fleets of Cos and Tyros challenged Port kar, and at that time, because of storms, they had been scattered and beaten off.
But not in over a hundred years had the united fleets of Cos and Tyros challenged Port Kar, and at that time, because of storms, they had been scattered and beaten off.
He had rallied his men and the first attack had been beaten off, but the second overwhelmed them and he ordered the magazine fired.
In 1480 the Turkish sultan, Mohammed II, laid siege to Rhodes and was beaten off.
Colonel Newcomb's regiment, by the most desperate feats of gallantry, had beaten off at least ten thousand Southerners, and the boy and the man in uniform, who were resting by the fire in the station, had been the greatest two heroes of a battle waged for a whole night.
He told how fierce had been the attack, and with what difficulty it had been beaten off, and in Washington, reading well between the lines they felt that another attack and yet others might come from the same source.
An attack on a caravan had been beaten off with heavy losses and then three more of his men had been found dead at dusk - among them his brother Erlik.
The corky layer of the bark can be gently beaten off, and the inner bark is dried, and exported chiefly from the Bahamas.
Attacked in their lake country of Aztlan, beyond us to the north, by a vastly superior force of Mias, they had refused to become Tlapallicos, had beaten off their attackers and quitted their beloved country to go south.
They had cut the railroad four miles below the town, but they had been beaten off by the Confederate cavalry.
Yet if it came to a pinch, we have beaten off reavers before, and might do it again.
And the Greek galley had completed her turn, was sweeping back to safety, her first plunge beaten off.