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beaten down

vb. (past participle of beat down English)

Usage examples of "beaten down".

He had ridden across half of Spain for this woman, beaten down the doors of a convent, and now risked disembowelling at the hands of the Slaughterman, all to be told not to be a bore.

Menenius grows wordier and more articulate with each speech as the tribunes become more and more beaten down.

The snow was beaten down on the walks and in the street, but it piled high on the fences and it puffed on the roof peaks.

By the same token, he was neither beaten down nor bore any resemblance to a helot.

But I was beaten down and brought to my knees at the foot of the stair before the throne.

Then they rode downhill and uphill, across a ryefield trodden and beaten down as if by hail, following a track freshly made by the artillery over the furrows of the plowed land, and reached some fleches* which were still being dug.

There was grumbling, desertion, the men who had grown soft in the comfort of the forts now beaten down by the heat and hardship of the march.

One notebook, just that, and a hundred doors would be beaten down from Madrid to Stettin, El Mirador's correspondents would be dragged away and the French firing squads would be busy.