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bears down

vb. (en-third-person singularbear down)

Usage examples of "bears down".

The electors, warned by their late personal and bloody souvenirs, rush to the polls in crowds and vote according to their consciences, although the government through the oaths it imposes, its official candidatures, its special commissioners, its intimidation and its money, bears down with all its weight on the resolutions they have taken.

There would be bears down there, too--bears that had possibly never seen a human.

He escorted the troupe of bears down the corridor towards the landing field.

The loose canvas flails, but none of the crew moves, too intent on watching as the spout bears down on the fleeing schooner.

One strikes the rider beside the warrior with the enormous broadsword who bears down on Lorn.

He was, as the reader will remember, one of those antique old men who await death perfectly erect, whom age bears down without bending, and whom even sorrow cannot curve.

An immense weight bears down on her, crushing the air from her lungs.

Brandishing the carving knife, the woman bears down on her child, who is as distraught as if she had not been a girl but a boy and the old woman was after a more essential portion than a toe.