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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beardlessness \Beard"less*ness\, n. The state or quality of being destitute of beard.


n. The state or quality of being beardless.

Usage examples of "beardlessness".

But the elder three shared the high cheekbones, slanted eyes, and male beardlessness of their father.

Huge of stature, fair-skinned, golden-haired, green-eyed, he hardly differed from or-dinary man save in his beardlessness, webbed feet, easy breathing under water.

Yet the speaker was a youngish, feminine-looking man of about thirty, notable for his beardlessness, in the crowded circle of bearded and moustachioed Californians, and had been one of the most absorbed of the enthusiastic audience.

But then, he was traveling from one tropical climate to another, and he wouldn't need a shaving kit -- beardlessness was part of what made Indie men seem younger than their years -- and as for papers, those would all have been transmitted electronically.

A ragged, ill-clothed people, the women distinguishable from the men only by their beardlessness, the children often on all fours.

It was a cherubic-faced man whose beardlessness made him seem absurdly young.