n. (archaic spelling of beams nodot=yes English), (plural of beam nocap=yes English)
Beames is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
- Adrienne Beames (born 1942), Australian long-distance runner
- H. P. M. Beames (1875–1948), British mechanical engineer
- Jack Beames (1890–1970), Welsh rugby union and rugby league player
- John Beames (1837–1902), British civil servant, writer, historian and linguist
- Margaret Beames (born 1935), New Zealand writer
- Percy Beames (1911–2004), Australian rules footballer and cricketer
Usage examples of "beames".
In her faire eyes two liuing lamps did flame,Kindled aboue at th'heauenly makers light,And darted fyrie beames out of the same,So passing persant, and so wondrous bright,That quite bereau'd the rash beholders sight:In them the blinded god his lustfull fireTo kindle oft assayd, but had no might.
As when two sunnes appeare in the azure skye,Mounted in Phoebus charet fierie bright,Both darting forth faire beames to each mans eye,And both adorn'd with lampes of flaming light,All that behold so strange prodigious sight,Not knowing natures worke, nor what to weene,Are rapt with wonder, and with rare affright.
But since faire Sunne hath sperst that lowring clowd,And to my loathed life now shewes some light,Vnder your beames I will me safely shrowd,From dreaded storme of his disdainfull spight:To you th'inheritance belongs by rightOf brothers prayse, to you eke longs his loue.
And with them eke, O Goddesse heauenly bright,Mirrour of grace and Maiestie diuine,Great Lady of the greatest Isle, whose lightLike Phoebus lampe throughout the world doth shine,Shed thy faire beames into my feeble eyne,And raise my thoughts too humble and too vile,To thinke of that true glorious type of thine,The argument of mine afflicted stile:The which to heare, vouchsafe, O dearest dred a-while.
At last the golden Orientall gateOf greatest heauen gan to open faire,And Phoebus fresh, as bridegrome to his mate,Came dauncing forth, shaking his deawie haire:And hurld his glistring beames through gloomy aire.
And eke the fruitfull-headed beast, amaz'dAt flashing beames of that sunshiny shield,Became starke blind, and all his senses daz'd,That downe he tumbled on the durtie field,And seem'd himselfe as conquered to yield.
Thus as they gan of sundry things deuise,Loe two most goodly virgins came in place,Ylinked arme in arme in louely wise,With countenance demure, and modest grace,They numberd euen steps and equall pace:Of which the eldest, that Fidelia hight,Like sunny beames threw from her Christall face,That could haue dazd the rash beholders sight,And round about her head did shine like heauens light.
The which O pardon me thus to enfoldIn couert vele, and wrap in shadowes light,That feeble eyes your glory may behold,Which else could not endure those beames bright,But would be dazled with exceeding light.
And all the margent round about was set,With shady Laurell trees, thence to defendThe sunny beames, which on the billowes bet,And those which therein bathed, mote offend.
Her snowy brest was bare to readie spoyleOf hungry eies, which n'ote therewith be fild,And yet through languour of her late sweet toyle,Few drops, more cleare then Nectar, forth distild,That like pure Orient perles adowne it trild,And her faire eyes sweet smyling in delight,Moystened their fierie beames, with which she thrildFraile harts, yet quenched not.
As when faire Cynthia, in darkesome night,Is in a noyous cloud enueloped,Where she may find the substaunce thin and light,Breakes forth her siluer beames, and her bright hedDiscouers to the world discomfited.
Ye noble knights (said then the Squire of Dames)Well may ye speed in so praiseworthy paine:But sith the Sunne now ginnes to slake his beames,In deawy vapours of the westerne maine,And lose the teme out of his weary waine,Mote not mislike you also to abateYour zealous hast, till morrow next againeBoth light of heauen, and strength of men relate:Which if ye please, to yonder castle turne your gate.
For from his fearefull eyes two fierie beames,More sharpe then points of needles did proceede,Shooting forth farre away two flaming streames,Full of sad powre, that poysonous bale did breedeTo all, that on him lookt without good heed,And secretly his enemies did slay:Like as the Basiliske of serpents seede,From powrefull eyes close venim doth conuayInto the lookers hart, and killeth farre away.
Or is ought so brightAnd beautifull, as glories beames appeare,Whose goodly light then Phebus lampe doth shine more cleare?
The morrow next, so soone as ioyous dayDid shew it selfe in sunny beames bedight,Serena full of dolorous dismay,Twixt darkenesse dread, and hope of liuing light,Vprear'd her head to see that chearefull sight.