n. (plural of beader English)
Usage examples of "beaders".
It took a wealthy and established modiste indeed to live comfortably and pay seam•stresses and beaders during the off season when fashionable society de•serted the West End for Brighton or the country—by August, Minette would probably have agreed to do fittings at midnight just to stay work•ing.
It took a wealthy and established modiste indeed to live comfortably and pay seamstresses and beaders during the off season when fashionable society deserted the West End for Brighton or the country—by August, Minette would probably have agreed to do fittings at midnight just to stay working.
It took a wealthy and established modiste indeed to live comfortably and pay seamstresses and beaders during the off season when fashionable society deserted the West End for Brighton or the countryby August, Minette would probably have agreed to do fittings at midnight just to stay working.