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be amiss

v. interpret in the wrong way; "Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks" [syn: misconstrue, misinterpret, misconceive, misunderstand, misapprehend]

Usage examples of "be amiss".

If you should find a way ever so subtly to impede his plan, it wouldn't be amiss to do it.

The driver had no reason to suspect that anything might be amiss, for the bridge was closed to all traffic except the motorcade: there was no earthly reason to expect anything should interfere with the smooth and even tempo of their progress.

It wouldna be amiss for Ulysses to make up a wee parcel of food for them to take for the journey home'twould save it spoiling, after all.

He desired to be distinguished in the best sense of the word, as well as to look so, and thought a little of the polish society gives would not be amiss, remembering Rose's efforts in that line.

Whatever else may sometimes be amiss, our coats set so that it is a pleasure to see them done justice to.

I offered heartfelt thanks to my Maker and decided that a little more rest would not be amiss.