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n. (plural of batwing English)

Usage examples of "batwings".

It scuttled back out un­der the batwings, uttering little yike-yike sounds that made Barkie snort thickly from his place of rest beneath the piano bench.

And so it was that he happened to spy Jonas—the man's gaunt figure and fall of long white hair were impossible to mistake—standing outside the batwings of the Travellers' Rest and peering in.

It was Jonas, standing just inside the batwings, and although he looked not a whole lot better than she felt, Coral had no doubt he could do it.

The cat favored them with a final wild green look, then leaped from the bar and vanished beneath the batwings.

The sky was dark, lit by lightning, and clawed and fanged demons soared overhead on huge batwings.

They were still pretty damned ugly to human eyes, with gargoyle faces and huge batwings, sharp teeth and claws and fierce, glaring eyes.

Around the back of the rig he untied one flap, found a weathered saddlebag, threw it over his shoulder, and went in through the batwings.

The dull stormglow that filtered through the batwings seemed to mock them, however.

Allie went to the batwings and stood staring out at the morning, at the silent battalions of slow-moving clouds.

It mounted to the air on black, leathery batwings and circled above the field to seek its commanded quarry.