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Crossword clues for battlements

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He enters me as fortress, I can only thank him from my battlements.
▪ In response, there came the pop of fire from the battlements.
▪ Latticed brickwork, brickwork meant to suggest battlements, and brick towers meant to look palatial.
▪ Once inside, I mounted the battlements and explored hidden alcoves carved into the thick walls.
▪ One is a sweet scene of tourists contemplating the gorge below the battlements.
▪ Remembering how she had stood on the tower battlements the next morning, watching her knight ride away.
▪ The night of the fire Rochester saw the mad woman on the battlements of the hall and attempted to rescue her.
▪ The walls are 5 feet thick, with a buttressed wooden walkway just behind the battlements.

n. (plural of battlement English)

Usage examples of "battlements".

A vast, screaming howl rose from the besiegers, and arrows filled the sky, hailing down onto the battlements.

Flame gouted over Matt's head to sweep an arc clear on the battlements.

Sappers, men trying to dig a tunnel under the battlements and up into the courtyard.

Thick, opaque fog settled over the battlements in a few seconds, hiding Sir Guy five feet away.

It hid the battlements completely before the abbess managed to dispel it.

But some of the first ones had already climbed up onto the battlements.

Bolts leaped from the battlements, each nun firing with anger chilled to a sense of mission.

And the rain pounded down, lashing the stone of the ancient battlements and making them glisten like marble.

Sarvaj climbed the creaking, rotted steps to the battlements and moved alongside the officer.

The man nodded and moved towards the battlements, while Sarvaj turned to the other man standing with a young woman and the two children.

Then he took his weapons to the decaying battlements of the western wall.

The edges were dulled and he moved away to the battlements to hone them.

A dozen knelt on the northern battlements loosing shaft after shaft into the enemy as they struggled to clear the wagons, while twenty more archers stood in the courtyard picking off the enemy with ease.

Waylander cocked his bow and fired and the first soldier pitched backwards and rolled from the battlements.

Waylander kicked him from the battlements and faced another soldier, but the man suddenly pitched forward with an arrow jutting from the back of his neck.