n. (batting average English)
Usage examples of "batting averages".
Tom would get close, and then he would think of White Sox batting averages or who was trying to undercut him for the Chesley account at work and he would be okay again.
It was a face guaranteed to make barroom arguments over batting averages turn bloody.
They knew the music and the dances of their eras, they played baseball and they knew how to toss a bat to choose up sides, they memorized bubble-gum cards and batting averages, they knew Z-type cars, how to buy beer with a phony ID, local politics in the towns they would settle in .
The difference between us was my obsession had centered on the gods of major league baseball -- who played on what team, their batting averages -- whereas Lincoln only liked to play.
Not only did he know it, he was proud of it, the way other men were proud of their batting averages, their cholesterol counts, their stock portfolios.
My mother didn't care for spectator sports, so he and I flew allover the country, and I learned to keep a detailed scorecard and figure batting averages.