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n. (label en obsolete spelling of battle)

Usage examples of "battaile".

For in this late Battaile in Mellicafhaz Sea hath the whole powre of Wychlande on the sea been beat downe and ruwyned, and the highe Admirall of our whole Navie loste and ded and the names of the great men of accownte that were slayen at the Battaile I may not numbre nor the common sorte much lesse by reaisoun that the more part were dround in the sea which came not to Syght.

The King in robes of Golde, caused the yoong Damosell that stood before the Queene, to marche forwarde to the third Checker, direct in the first remooue, whereupon immediately there was seene a battaile and Torney, with so swift and sodaine forces, bending themselues to the grounde as it were lying close vpon their Garde, and presently vpon it capering vp with a turne twise aboue ground, one iust opposite against an other, and vpon their downe come withall a turne vpon the toe thrise about.

But henceforth I will my process hold To speak of aventures, and of battailes, That yet was never heard so great marvailles.

And, for they writen of battailes, As well as other old marvailes, Therefore was, lo!

As was on him, was not, withoute fail, To look on Mars, that god is of Battaile.

And, for they writen of battailes, As well as other old marvailes, Therefore was, lo!

As when a Dolphin and a Sele are met,In the wide champian of the Ocean plaine:With cruell chaufe their courages they whet,The maysterdome of each by force to gaine,And dreadfull battaile twixt them do darraine:They snuf, they snort, they bo˜uce, they rage, they rore,That all the sea disturbed with their traine,Doth frie with fome aboue the surges hore.