vb. 1 (context intransitive baseball English) To have at least ten batters bat in a half inning. 2 (context transitive informal English) To discuss.
Usage examples of "bat around".
With Cousin Bat around, there was less likelihood of the emotions of the night before getting aired or strengthened, he thought.
He dug himself a little hole, fanned the bat around his head, swiveled his hips, and faced the pitcher.
That's why I thought it might be handy to have a baseball bat around.
Nicholas took the shovel and, now holding it properly, maneuvered the bat around.
Then he swung the bat around and around his head, speaking words that had no vowels in them, and loosed the bat into the rusty night.
They could still see him whipping his bat around him, like an elm seed spinning down on the wind.
She knew Crawford was just giving her an exhausted mouse to bat around for practice.
And nobody was shooting at you: instead of a war-torn city, the world in the Eidolon goggles was a sort of playroom with toys, like a bouncing ball you could toss or bat around, and a magic mushroom that, if you poked at it, made violets and dandelions sprout up out of the floor.