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a. Of, pertaining to, or composed of baryons.


Usage examples of "baryonic".

Perhaps there are other life forms out there, not perceived by us—creatures of dark matter, the non baryonic stuff which makes up nine-tenths of the Universe.

Dark matter particles could interact with baryonic matter through other forces: but only feebly, and in conditions of the highest density—such as at the heart of stars.

In Earthlike conditions, the worlds of baryonic and dark matter slid through and past each other, all but unaware, like colonies of ghosts from different millennia.

Once every orbit, a photino would scatter off a baryonic particle, perhaps a proton.

It seemed somehow more solid—more real, to Lieserl's baryonic senses—than its neighbors.

Within fractions of a second the clumps had started to disperse—but not before more photinos had clustered around the complex pattern of baryonic matter, rapidly plating over its internal structure.

It was more like making a straight copy—an imprint from a three-dimensional mold, mediated by baryonic matter.

The birds depended on the relative transparency of dark and baryonic matter to take their detailed, three-dimensional copies of themselves.

She told herself she wanted to study the birds: learn more of their lifecycle, mediated as it was by baryonic matter, and perhaps even try to become empathetic with the birds, to try to comprehend their individual and racial goals.

The glowing, baryonic matter was a mere glittering froth on the surface of that dark ocean.

And to get a sufficient flow of energy the birds needed dense matter—densities which could not have formed without baryonic structures.

She knew that the birds needed templates of baryonic material even to reproduce.

Humans believed they must challenge the Xeelee: overthrow them, become petty kings of the baryonic cosmos.

Differences among baryonic species—the Xeelee and ourselves, for instance—are as nothing compared to that great schism.

Therefore we must throw ourselves on the mercy of our senior cousins—we must seek the protection of the baryonic lords, the Xeelee.