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n. The amount that can fit in a barrow


n. the quantity that a barrow will hold [syn: barrow]

Usage examples of "barrowful".

After a minute or two, they began moving about again, and Alice heard the Rabbit say, "A barrowful will do, to begin with.

Leaving Kashet to bask in the sun while his hide absorbed the oilwhich imparted that spicy scent to himVetch got another barrowful of meat.

Kashet was more than ready for his midday meal, and climbed out of his wallow with eagerness when Vetch dumped the barrowful out on the stone verge.

Leaving Kashet to bask in the sun while his hide absorbed the oil—which imparted that spicy scent to him—Vetch got another barrowful of meat.

I often think that I should like to have my house front on this mass of dull red bushes, omitting other flower plots and borders, transplanted spruce and trim box, even graveled walks--to have this fertile spot under my windows, not a few imported barrowfuls of soil only to cover the sand which was thrown out in digging the cellar.