Crossword clues for barques
n. (plural of barque English)
Usage examples of "barques".
Most of the barques look to be in, though there's one empty mooring pole.
He pointed out two of his barques, tied up against the wharf, their tall masts reaching up until they were no more than a faint trace in the fog.
Jack considered for a moment and said, 'You showed me two fine barques of yours, Mr Herapath, tied up not far from the Asclepia.
I mean to get him out, and with your leave, I mean to hide him in one of your barques.
Popilius tried to save all he could, both of his own ships and those of Eumenes, but the Macedonian barques sailed by night, two or three together, and so escaped observation.
The projected invasion was delayed by a report that eighty pirate barques were ravaging the coast.
The king sends to seek and to summon all the high barons of his land, and has ships and boats, cutters and barques sought out and equipped.
Row barges, barques, and light galleys led by the galeass Scorpion had cut Seagate off from the Sound.
Two massive underwater chains kept oceangoing ships from using either channel without permission -- but the Sea Beggars had slid their galleys, barques, zebecks and row barges over the chains into the shelter of the sound.
The only women who had previously interested him were the well-born flirts, with whom it was amusing to dally, and the barques of frailty with whom he enjoyed more intimate relations.
Two massive underwater chains kept oceangoing ships from using either channel without permission—but the Sea Beggars had slid their galleys, barques, zebecks and row barges over the chains into the shelter of the sound.
We'd all go down to the causeway to watch the fleets return, to see our father's orange sail among the barques.
And the other of these two main channels will, I think, be a twisting and delicious stream, which will bear on its breast new barques of poetry, shaped, it may be, like prose, but a prose incarnating through its fantasy and symbolism all the deeper aspirations, yearning, doubts, and mysterious stirrings of the human spirit.
Let Jack think of her as a quiet appendage who was helping him to cheat his late papa whilst he enjoyed himself with bits of muslin, barques of frailty and ladies of the town!