Crossword clues for baronial
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Baronial \Ba*ro"ni*al\, a.
Pertaining to a baron or a barony. ``Baronial tenure.''
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1767, from baron + -ial.
a. 1 Belonging or relating to a baron or barons. 2 Suitable for a baron.
Usage examples of "baronial".
This the city owes mainly to a few great baronial families, such as the earls of Gloucester and the Berkeleys, in its early history, and to a few great merchants, the Canyngs, Shipwards and Framptons, in its later career.
Everywhere he went, there seemed to be a plethora of baronial tabards, each bearing a different crest, although he knew that there were only a dozen or so barons that were fealty-bound to the Earl of LaMut.
He made a small hand sign to one of the throne guards who held the balconies this day, to make stone cold sure no baronial crossbowmen just happened to idly mount the back stairs to gain a better view of things.
The baronial overtones were further diminished by the blaze of rosy light from the chandelier and wall sconces, and the huge fire crackling up the chimney back.
Baroness Jilseponie often wandered, though without her baronial raiments and guards.
Scottish baronial hall in total darkness, the risk of bringing down a suit of armour with a resounding metallic crash or impaling oneself on targes, claymores or a royal set of antlers must be high.
Mondegreen with the lady, and to help escort Baron Mondegreen back for the Baronial Council, perhaps?
But she and her two maids were due in Mondegreen, to minister to the ailing baron and accompany him back to LaMut for the Baronial Council - or, at least, she was due to stay out of noble beds in LaMut for the time being - and Baron Morray had insisted that the patrol might as well swing north to guard her on her way home.
Lady Mondegreen to LaMut, for the same baronial council that Baron Verheyen is going to attend.
So Pirojil just leaned back and waited for Steven Argent to announce that he would continue to preside over the Baronial Council.
Once a fight of any kind started, every baronial soldier in the tavern would be going at it.
It might not work, but the thought of some Tsurani lurking about might well give the baronial troops something else to think about besides killing one another.
With dozens of messages quite literally flying back and forth in advance of the general staff meeting in Yabon and the Baronial Council in LaMut, the stock of pigeons was far too low for his taste.
From their own discussion, it was clear that their reports to the Swordmaster would be similar, and would inevitably lead Argent to the same conclusion that both of them had independently drawn: things were barely holding together in the city, and with the way that the regulars, the Watch and the baronial captains were keeping a lid on the pot, it would likely continue to simmer a little while longer before, sooner or later, it boiled over.
His most recent attempt to think things out seemed to have gone well - it had distracted the baronial troops, after all, and perhaps it had even given Lady Mondegreen the arguments she had apparently needed to get Verheyen and Morray to come to terms with each other.