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Etymology 1 n. An argument, a disagreement. Etymology 2

a. Barn-like.

Usage examples of "barny".

The four men looked at their mother, a wide grin between them, then turning to Rosie almost as one, Barny and Shane cried simultaneously, "Hear that, Rosie?

And, Barny, you take up an oil stove now an' we'll fix everything good an' proper the morrow.

And glancing up at Barny, she smiled slightly as she said, "A new carpet up here.

Only she and Barny had had the opportunity to try for the High School, but in Bamy's case he didn't bother, for he was wise enough to know that he was destined for the pit the minute he left school.

I witnessed the wooing of Barny Heyward, once the husband of the lovely Lucy Izard, now a widower and a bon parti.

She says her virgin heart has never beat one throb the faster for any mortal here below - until now, when it surrenders to Barny.

As he liked the sport more for its own sake than for the money that could be won by backing winners, he went to any race meeting held within reach of the city, driving himself and Barny in a curricle which, acting on the advice of Endymion Dauntry, he had bought (really dog-cheap) in Long Acre.

I daresay the Rutlands, and their set, may have been very agreeable, but I did not like to see you so uncivil to poor Barny Warboys.

The plan was to int­ro­du­ce Harry as “Co­usin Barny” and trust to the gre­at num­ber of We­as­ley re­la­ti­ves to ca­mo­uf­la­ge him.

We’ll see if she’s a bit qu­ic­ker at re­mem­be­ring her na­me than Barny.

The plan was to introduce Harry as “Cousin Barny” and trust to the great number of Weasley relatives to camouflage him.

I thanked him, and he put his car into gear, then said, 'I thought we were in for a right barny when the big Chink feller came out to look at you through the window.