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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Barnburner \Barn"burn`er\, n. [So called in allusion to the fable of the man who burned his barn in order to rid it of rats.]

  1. A member of the radical section of the Democratic party in New York, about the middle of the 19th century, which was hostile to extension of slavery, public debts, corporate privileges, etc., and supported Van Buren against Cass for president in 1848; -- opposed to Hunker. [Political Cant, U. S.]

  2. an impressively successful or unusually good event. [informal] ''The rock concert was a real barnburner.''


n. (context idiomatic English) An extremely exciting or successful event or person.

  1. n. someone who burns down a barn

  2. a impressively successful event; "the rock concert was a real barnburner"

Usage examples of "barnburner".

It had the feel of a serious heat, and considering that it was only May, it probably would be a real barnburner when true summer finally hit.

The Frost Giants, the Dark Elves, Niflhel's denizens in revolt, civil war in Asgard, a real barnburner of a mess developing on Earth, and Muspell—holy cow, what was I supposed to do about Muspell?

The Frost Giants, the Dark Elves, Niflhel's denizens in revolt, civil war in Asgard, a real barnburner of a mess developing on Earth, and Muspell—holy cow, what was I supposed to do about Muspell?