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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Barkentine \Bark"en*tine\, n. [See Bark, n., a vessel.] (Naut.) A threemasted vessel, having the foremast square-rigged, and the others schooner-rigged. [Spelled also barquentine, barkantine, etc.] See Illust. in Append.


n. (context sailing English) (alternative spelling of barquentine English)

Usage examples of "barkentine".

I was at home on a brig, whether full-rigged or jackass: consequently I was equally easy on a schooner or a barkentine or a ship.

He owns a barkentine and thirty-seven separate plots of ground which he cultivates along the passage.

The barkentine belonging to Boscor Sack, I must believe, was intercepted, boarded, and captured by unknown pirates and her passengers and crew carried away captives.

This queer little barkentine, of light tonnage but wonderful sailing qualities, is remembered in every port between Sitka and Callao.

What did concern him particularly was the absence of the Malay when the barkentine was weighing anchor and giving line for a tow out to sea.

To add to their discomfort some of the water casks were stove, so that the crew were placed on short allowance until they were relieved by a barkentine named, The Girl of the Period.

The Fuwalda, a barkentine of about one hundred tons, was a vessel of the type often seen in coastwise trade in the far southern Atlantic, their crews composed of the offscourings of the sea--unhanged murderers and cutthroats of every race and every nation.

Before dark the barkentine lay peacefully at anchor upon the bosom of the still, mirror-like surface of the harbor.

Danish barkentine that sank in a storm in the early twenties, blocking the harbor, paralyzing shipping traffic for months.

He is the first mate on a barkentine, a solid man, quite admirable, really.

In 1406, Queen Margaret, it will be remembered, laid an interdict upon trade with them: for two centuries afterward not even a passing barkentine touched upon the Greenland shore.

Tubby cargo bottoms were at the center, with lean brigs and barkentines flanking.

I took out barkentines so that groups of people could experience what it was like to sail in the tall ships.

Robert has been building period ships, not Middle Ages period but sloops and barkentines, that sort of thing.

I took out barkentines so that groups of people could experience what it was like to sail in the tall ships.