Crossword clues for baritones
n. (plural of baritone English)
Usage examples of "baritones".
Once the baritones had finished telling of the dread sickness in the land, which had struck with incredible speed across the breath of Pern, the full chorus quietly introduced the refrain, of Moreta secluded with her queen, Orlith, who is about to clutch in Fort Weyr, while the healers from all holds and Weyrs try to isolate the form of the disease and find a cure.
Then the tenors come in - they'll be the dragon riders of course, and the baritones Lord Holders, with a few basses to be the Professionals.
Beauty led the fire lizards in another dizzy climb of sound, but they sang the melody, octaves above the baritones who introduced the first stanza of the Ballad, to the muted humming of the other parts.
The baritones, Menolly felt, were not really watching her: she signaled for more intensity because, after all, the Ballad told of a tragedy.
The tenors take up the narration, with increasing intensity, the basses and baritones emphasizing the plight of the land, herdbeasts left untended, wherries breaking into crops as holders, crafters, dragonfolk alike are consumed by the dread fever.
Beauty led the fire lizards in anodier dizzy climb of sound, but they sang the melody, octaves above the baritones who introduced the first stanza of the Ballad, to the muted humming of the other parts.
The baritones, Menolly felt, were not really watch ing her: she signaled tor more intensity because, after n8 all, the Ballad told of a tragedy.
All standing up in a ring, the tenors would lead off: "I saw an old man go riding by," and the baritones, flinging themselves around with the looseness of Christy's Minstrels, in a "break down," would reply: "Don't tell me!
All standing up in a ring, the tenors would lead off: "I saw an old man go riding by," and the baritones, flinging themselves around with the looseness of Christy's Minstrels, in a " break down," would reply: Don't tell me!
He had two baritones, three tenors, a bass, and a countertenor who was much mocked on account of having to sing all the women's parts, and the idea was that each man should expel either a turd or a fart during the crescendos, when they could not be heard above the singing.
When the men rode or marched, they would just sing the melody, but for when they were in barracks, he had set it up as a chorale and divided them into tenors, baritones, and basses.
He saw no obvious reason that all the tenors should not be musketeers and all the baritones pikemen.
Not great, I always knew that, but pretty good—semifamous if you know baritones, which most people don’t.
The crowd had moved to the dome lounge, from which echoed the fluting of girls, the braying and cooing of fathers, mothers, uncles, and aunts, punctuated by the self-conscious baritones of the 99th Space Command class.