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Barelias, or Bar Elias ( Arabic: برالياس; also transliterated Bar Ilyas), is a town located in the Zahlé District, Beqaa Governorate, Lebanon. With around 60,000 inhabitants (mostly Sunni Muslims) it is the second largest town, after Zahlé, in the Zahlé Governorate. Barelias is a village of the Beqaa Valley, the center of Bekaa, known widely acknowledged by the transit passes, the center distance between Beirut and Damascus. As the distance between the center of the northern Bekaa and the south became important because of its central valleys and on the international line of the most important economic centers and the largest commercial markets, Barelias has good neighborly relations with the rest of the towns and villages and cities in the province. Received via Syria and Beirut over roads . Multi-ways from all directions through advanced in the center of the Bekaa must lead you to Barelias, it is an open gate to all guests and visitors.

Barelias located in the district of Zahlé on the average of 900 m above sea level, at a distance of 51 km from Beirut via Damascus-Chtoura. Spread over both sides of the international line between Beirut and Damascus over the exterior 4 km and extends lovely plain green sprawling distances up to Anjar east and Zahlé west and Kafr Zabad and Addalhamiah north and Almarj to the south.

A vast land area of about 35000 dunums (3500 hectares) of which about 7000 dunums residential and the rest agricultural.