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a. Without a saddle adv. Without a saddle alt. Without a saddle

Usage examples of "bare-backed".

Unlike Caelum, who remained bare-backed like their parents, Zenith had glossy wings, as raven-black as her hair.

They came out to Theunis Kraal in droves that summer, sometimes as many as three on one bare-backed pony: sitting like a row of sparrows on a fence rail.

A sad Colonel Runciman, mounted on his big horse, peered down at the sweating, bare-backed rifleman.

Phaedra seemed to be sailing as close to the wind as she dared, so that her braced yards and bulging sails appeared to be almost fore-and-aft, thrusting her over, the sea boiling around her gunports and deluging the bare-backed seamen until their canned bodies shone like crude statuary.

Bolitho raised his hat to the quarterdeck and saw bare-backed seamen working aloft on the mizzen yard peering down at him, their feet dangling in space.

Bolitho glanced at the nearest gangway, the bare-backed seamen clinging to the nettings to watch as the boat pulled nearer.

At the loading dock, two bare-backed men lifted heavy crates of bananas as though they weighed nothing at all, rhythmically slinging them onto a roller conveyor that pulled them into the building.

All the mothers could (and did) dance, upon the slack wire, and performed rapid acts on bare-backed steeds.

All the mothers could (and did) dance, upon the slack wire and the tight-rope, and perform rapid acts on bare-backed steeds.