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n. (plural of barbell English)

Usage examples of "barbells".

We knew that 3F was Iowa Bob, and we would tune in the sound of his barbells every once in a while — often interrupting him with our own comments, like: ‘Come on, Grandpa, a little quicker!

Frank’s secret quarters were unchanged, and the barbells still resided in Iowa Bob’s room, which gave me more reason to visit Franny, who liked to watch me lift.

I think that considering the noise attached to the death of Iowa Bob, we expected the funeral to be louder, too — ‘at least the sound of barbells falling,’ I said to Franny.

Whether Vienna was more sophisticated, or less — whether Franny had a room with barbells or a room with lace — we were inhabitants of one Hotel New Hampshire after another.

I asked a couple of the younger radicals if they knew where I could get a set of barbells, but they seemed very suspicious — that we were Americans — and either they didn’t understand English or they chose to speak their own language.

It was followed so closely by the single short yelp of her male companion that I reached a hand out of my bed and grabbed one of my barbells for support.

We’ve got barbells and dumbbells for every occasion — and we have the ballroom’s splendid view of the Atlantic Ocean.

I mean, from that day in Vienna when she promised us all that she was going to take care of us, that she was going to be our mother, from that day forth, Franny has stuck to her guns, Franny has come through — the hero in her has kept pumping, the hero in Franny could lift a ballroom full of barbells.

He takes over the library on the second floor the way Junior Jones dominates the barbells in the ballroom when he is visiting, the way Franny’s beauty graces every room when she is here — the good Maine air and the cold Maine sea: Franny graces it all.

Four found it lying by the barbells and carried it all around the hotel before Susie could get it away from the dog.

There may not be enough barbells in this ending to satisfy Iowa Bob, and not enough fatalism for Frank.

We knew that 3F was Iowa Bob, and we would tune in the sound of his barbells every once in a while—often interrupting him with our own comments, like: “Come on, Grandpa, a little quicker!

I think that considering the noise attached to the death of Iowa Bob, we expected the funeral to be louder, too—“at least the sound of barbells falling,” I said to Franny.

Whether Vienna was more sophisticated, or less—whether Franny had a room with barbells or a room with lace—we were inhabitants of one Hotel New Hampshire after another.

I asked a couple of the younger radicals if they knew where I could get a set of barbells, but they seemed very suspicious—that we were Americans—and either they didn’t understand English or they chose to speak their own language.