n. 1 A pit, especially one at Athens into which criminals were thrown. 2 The abyss, hell.
Barathrum is a Finnish black-doom band, formed in 1990. The first letters of their eight full-length albums spell "HEIL SOVA" - referring to the band's frontman, Demonos Sova. Their music is stylistically similar to early black metal acts such as Venom and Celtic Frost. Their lyrics deal with occult and religious themes.
Usage examples of "barathrum".
And a spaceport, over on Barathrum, that was built inside the crater of an extinct volcano.
Some of the locations he had brought back data for had been discovered, but, to his relief, not the underground duplicate Force Command Headquarters, and not the spaceport on the island continent of Barathrum, to the east.
As soon as we have that opened, you can take a gang and run over to Barathrum and grab your spaceport.
Overseas people arrived at Barathrum Spaceport the next morning: a rear-rank vice-president, a front-rank legal-eagle, and three engineers.
His mother seemed to think he had won the Battle of Barathrum singlehanded.
Something off Mothball Row that would have to be flown to Barathrum and torn .
After a long while a sunset glow, six hours past on Barathrum, appeared in the west, behind the now appreciable curvature of the planet.
This place of yours all together beats anything I ever dug, Force Command and Barathrum Spaceport included.
A lot of heavy armament seemed to have been moved in from Barathrum Spaceport, and Zareff had more men and firepower than he had ever commanded during the System States War.