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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Banter \Ban"ter\ (b[a^]n"t[~e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bantered (b[a^]n"t[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Bantering.] [Prob. corrupted fr. F. badiner to joke, or perh. fr. E. bandy to beat to and fro. See Badinage, and cf. Barter fr. OF. barater.]

  1. To address playful good-natured ridicule to, -- the person addressed, or something pertaining to him, being the subject of the jesting; to rally; as, he bantered me about my credulity.

    Hag-ridden by my own fancy all night, and then bantered on my haggard looks the next day.
    --W. Irving.

  2. To jest about; to ridicule in speaking of, as some trait, habit, characteristic, and the like. [Archaic]

    If they banter your regularity, order, and love of study, banter in return their neglect of them.

  3. To delude or trick, -- esp. by way of jest. [Obs.]

    We diverted ourselves with bantering several poor scholars with hopes of being at least his lordship's chaplain.
    --De Foe.

  4. To challenge or defy to a match. [Colloq. Southern and Western U. S.]


vb. (en-past of: banter)

Usage examples of "bantered".

Ran Borune XXIII in his goldcolored mantle was strangely jovial as he bantered with the shavenheaded Sadi.

Leaning his butt against the locker to pull on the stiff metal leggings of his pressure suit, Vosnesensky bantered, "The group commander is much too important a person to go strolling out in the desert on the whim of one of his underlings.

While Brumado answered the reporters' myriad of questions and bantered happily with them, no one noticed that the physician in charge of the medical section sat at the very end of the table of NASA officials, looking tired and grim.

They bantered back and forth over breakfast, and after they'd eaten, the young Chief Albron offered Althalus a tankard of something he called ale.

Amuro couldn't help but laugh at the way Mirai bantered with the skipper.

Slim bantered tritely and belatedly, and gulped remorsefully when he saw that he was "joshing" an unconscious man.

I cannot begin to count the number of lords and ladies of the realm with whom I danced, bantered and flirted, nor the number of inquiries, discreet and overt, I received.

I heard Glaukos' words passed from mouth to mouth, and presently one of the other ships drew in shouting distance alongside us, and the tale of the D'Angeline hostage's hysteria was bantered back and forth across the waves.

It was not as though Marianne was ignorant of how men bantered with each other when they thought women were not in earshot.

Neal's gaze strayed now and then to his newfound nurse while he bantered with the child.