Banesco ( BVC: BBC) is a bank based in Venezuela. , it was the country's largest bank, with a market share of 14.2%. It has 440 branches in all parts of Venezuela. The primary competitors are the Banco Mercantil (Merchant Bank), Banco Occidental de Descuento (Western Discount Bank), Banco de Venezuela (Bank of Venezuela) and the BBVA Banco Provincial (Provincial Bank); all these banks including Banesco form the upper stratum of the Bank Ranking of SUDEBAN. The financial group also includes an insurance, and consumer banking division. The bank is a member of the Banking Association of Venezuela and their mascot is Baneskín "El Pana de Ahorro" (The Savings 'Buddy'). Banesco's Caracas headquarters, Ciudad Banesco, at 65,000 m², is Latin America's largest bank headquarters.