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n. A large, outdoor performing venue typically used by bands and orchestras, with the roof protecting musicians from the elements.

Usage examples of "bandshell".

The city park square in the center with its quaint old bandshell and statues to long-forgotten men, the old falsefront brick shops, the courthouse built of native limestone.

The floor was swept but there were pockets of seeds underfoot and drifts of straw and at the far end of the hall a small orchestra labored on a stage of grainpallets under a bandshell rigged from sheeting.

Under the bandshell the accordion player struggled with his instrument and slammed his boot on the boards in countertime and stepped back and the trumpet player came forward.

Now it was colorless, beautiful in a skeletal way, the bandshell empty, the fountain turned off for the winter, the brownstone city hall capped by white snow.

Yet to come were the bandshells full of drummers, and choirs singing new patriotic lyrics to old hymns.

In those days also it was the style for girls to wear long, embroidered shawls and orchids in their hair—these shawls were part of numerous dances of the period, when at midnight in the public bandshells, groups of music students from the university would unpack their instruments, and the asphalt esplanades would fill with lithe, expectant couples.