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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
one-armed bandit
make out like a bandit
▪ Insurance companies always make out like bandits.
▪ Salomon Brothers and my customer made out like bandits.
▪ The bandits took jewelry and cash.
▪ Also on the tour is the dry riverbed, where the four bandits hid.
▪ No wonder the train eventually became the focus of bandits, thieves and pickpockets.
▪ On her way to Benevento, Arthelius' beauty caught the eye of three bandits, who abducted her.
▪ Salomon Brothers and my customer made out like bandits.
▪ This was to prevent attacks by bandits on travellers whose cries floated nightly over the fields to the colony.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bandit \Ban"dit\ (b[a^]n"d[i^]t), n.; pl. Bandits (b[a^]n"d[i^]ts), or Banditti (b[a^]n*d[i^]t"t[i^]). [It. bandito outlaw, p. p. of bandire to proclaim, to banish, to proscribe, LL. bandire, bannire. See Ban an edict, and cf. Banish.] An outlaw; a brigand.

No savage fierce, bandit, or mountaineer.

Note: The plural banditti was formerly used as a collective noun.

Deerstealers are ever a desperate banditti.
--Sir W. Scott.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from Italian bandito (plural banditi) "outlaw," past participle of bandire "proscribe, banish," from Vulgar Latin *bannire "to proclaim, proscribe," from Proto-Germanic *bann (see ban (v.)). *Bannire (or its Frankish cognate *bannjan) in Old French became banir-, which, with lengthened stem, became English banish.


n. 1 one who robs others 2 an outlaw 3 one who cheats others 4 (context military English) An enemy aircraft.

  1. n. an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band [syn: brigand]

  2. [also: banditti (pl)]

Bandit (Yomiuriland)

is a steel roller coaster located at Yomiuriland in the city of Inagi, near Tokyo, Japan. Built in 1988 by the TOGO company, it was the fastest roller coaster in the world when it was built (taking the record from American Eagle at Six Flags Great America). It lost the record to Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point one year later.

Bandit (raccoon)

Bandit (c. 1994 – May 9, 2004) was a raccoon which came to attention after being named "The World's Fattest Raccoon" by The Guinness Book of World Records.

He was born with a thyroid problem which led to his massive weight gain. He was adopted by a dog and raised as one of her puppies, then later taken in by a woman in Palmerton, Pennsylvania. At the time of his death he weighed almost 75 pounds.

Bandit (band)

Bandit were an English rock band, formed in 1976 and disbanded in 1978.

Bandit (disambiguation)

A bandit is a person who engages in banditry

Bandit, The Bandit or Bandits may also refer to:

Bandit (TV series)

Bandit was a Welsh language music television show on S4C, produced by Boomerang. It included live performances, videos and interviews and was presented by Huw Stephens, Elis James, Sarra Elgan Rhydian Bowen Phillips and Huw Evans. The programme aimed to raise the profile of Welsh-language popular music but also included music from Wales with lyrics in other languages (usually English). The last episode of Bandit was broadcast on 28 December 2011, after a decade of being on the air. The special show was presented by Stephens and Evans.

The Bandit team also used to organise several gigs each year and the show was considered to be S4C's flagship music programme. Their multiple nominations for BAFTA Cymru awards each year demonstrated the programme's appeal. One of their BAFTAs was won for "Best Title Sequence/Best Motion Graphics"; the attention to detail had also been carried over to their website.

Bandit (Movie Park Germany)

Bandit is considered the first modern wooden roller coaster in Germany located at Movie Park Germany. It opened in 1999 as Wild Wild West, in The Old West section of the park. The original Intamin trains were replaced by trains manufactured by Premier Rides in 2001.

The coaster closed in 2013 because it has been in a bad state. Bandit reopened in August 2013 with partial retracked bits.

Usage examples of "bandit".

If the Empire were to become truly organized, they would certainly put down the ogrilloi and the human bandits, and kill the dragons and trolls and griffins, possibly the elves and dwarves and all the other things that make Adventuring entertaining in the first place.

I was attacked by bandits and you-was Seregil shook his head, motioning for Alec to continue.

Unfortunately that route was notorious for its bandits and cutthroats, and Arem needed a bodyguard to make sure he got through the short cut safely.

Ali Baba pursued his woodcutting, day in and day out, collecting vast and back-breaking quantities of wood in the wild forest beyond the city, receiving calluses upon his palms and splinters in his fingers, facing constant threats from wild bandits and wilder beasts, so that he might eke out the most meager of existences.

In a nightmare far more terrifying and real than either of the others, Jaryd saw the town assailed by mounted bandits with scarred, begrimed faces, wearing leather jerkins and brandishing huge, curved blades, lances, and clubs.

Grace of Norfolk, I have no bonaghts, this is the principal reason why my borders are ever so vulnerable to the inroads of that unhung bandit and oath-breaker who chooses to style himself King of Ulaid these days.

There had been a rumored falling out among several of the bosses of the larger territories, which resulted in the road being closed, and abandoned to bandits.

In a snug corner might be seen a party of sober, quiet-looking gentlemen, taking their lobster and bucellas, whose first appearance would impress you with the belief of their respectability, but whom, upon inquiry, you would discover to be Greek banditti, retired hither to divide their ill gotten spoils.

Three men, armed with guns and looking like banditti, came in shortly after I had gone to bed, speaking a kind of slang which I could not make out, swearing, raging, and paying no attention to me.

Arcachon to Caen, but that was by daylight and without needing to avoid cither predatory bandits or patrolling provosts.

Over the years that followed Whitey had made quite a name for himself as a lone bandit, and it was rare for Culler to work with him except when Whitey thought the job was too big for just one man.

The reason the dasht is so sore is that I busted up his attempt to have the Lady Fouri kidnaped by his gang of tame bandits.

A policeman sauntered near with his large lantern--a superior sort of Dogberry, but very young, as are most of the policemen in Mexico, save the Rurales, that splendid company of highwaymen whom Diaz bought over from being bandits to be the guardians of the peace.

Kelvin was leading a small army of bandits on foot down the winding road through a drippy morning mist that was nearly rain.

Riding swiftly, their black cloaks billowing in the gusts like the sails of a ghostly armada, the bandits swept down upon the village of Dunam, intending to strike them in the evening when, worn out from their long labors in the fields, the magi were settling down to rest.