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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Here two plain banded rings have been attached at right angles to the bit of a key.
▪ In later years it was fed by a banded iron pipe still in place.
▪ Sumerian gem-cutters also took advantage to a limited degree of another way of exploiting the banded structure of onyx.
▪ Thick metal cables curved up from that helmet into the ducted roof as though the man had sprouted banded antlers.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Band \Band\ (b[a^]nd), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Banded; p. pr. & vb. n. Banding.]

  1. To bind or tie with a band.

  2. To mark with a band.

  3. To unite in a troop, company, or confederacy. ``Banded against his throne.''

    Banded architrave, Banded pier, Banded shaft, etc. (Arch.), an architrave, pier, shaft, etc., of which the regular profile is interrupted by blocks or projections crossing it at right angles.

  1. Marked with bands of colour v

  2. (en-past of: band)

  1. adj. identified with a band especially around a leg; "kept watch for the return of their banded birds" [ant: unbanded]

  2. marked with bands or strips of contrasting color or texture; "a banded rock"

  3. characterized by a band of especially white around the body; "banded cattle"


Usage examples of "banded".

They banded my wrists, slapped a cortical come-along to my temple, and hurried me into the holding box in the rear of the vehicle.

As she sank into the chair the light from the electrolier fell on her shoulders and on the carefully coiled and banded hair, so laboriously built up into a crown that glinted nut-brown above the pale face she turned to the man watching her.

The clothes he had been wearing lay neatly folded on a banded travel chest that was carved and gilded within an inch of its life.

Well, when he came through Kansas he heard about a bunch of hiders who banded together and had been raiding homesteads and performing all sorts of cutthroat acts.

The banded ironstone of the walls overlaid dolomites and limestone with weathered yellow kimberlite streaked with unweathered blue, indicating what had previously been a classic diamondiferous kimberlite pipe.

A rainbow flung its arc slanting across the scene, most bright and perfect, a sheer delight, all its rich glossy, banded colours moistly shimmering down into the thick, lustrous green.

Banded Epeira with that of the Penduline Titmouse, the cleverest of our small birds in the art of nest-building.

I came away with a tunica the colour of terra cotta, banded at the hem with green and gold, and a palla of green wool to wear with it, and another ensemble in the rosy shades of dawn.

She then donned a bodice and pantaloons of cloth-of-gold with a barracan of pale-yellow silk banded with cloth-of-gold thrown over it.

The strange old man led the way across his bedroom to an inner chamber, oak pannelled, with very little furniture, but holding much treasure in the shape of trunks, portmanteaux--all very old and dusty--and two large wooden cases, banded with iron.

A fine gold lace banded the neckline, shoulders, and back, and a verdigris sash swept diagonally across the bodice.

Not just with Aes Sedai, of course, but Accepted in banded dresses and scurrying novices in pure white, Warders moving with the deadly grace of leopards whether lean or bulky, servants who had followed Aes Sedai from the Tower, even a few children.

And it was on that false turn that Neela Deo caught him fairly in the throat--caught him and finished him in one thrust--with the blunt point of a banded tusk.

The observation is not an easy one, for the Banded Epeira is a night-worker.

Banded Epeira in the manufacture of big hunting-nets, but she is less gifted in the art of nest-building.