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banana oil

n. (context dated English) nonsense.

banana oil

n. a liquid ester derived from amyl alcohol; has the odor of bananas

Usage examples of "banana oil".

Sissy explained that she had bought a bit of gold paint powder, mixed it with a few drops of banana oil and had gilded each penny.

A person who has used nitrite of amyl, or to whom it has been administered without their knowledge by inhalation, is momentarily affected the same way when they come suddenly upon the odor of banana oil.

Book orders went from their computers to Webb's computer as smoothly as snakes slithering on banana oil.

I mean the sort of banana oil that passes between statesmen at conferences conducted in an atmosphere of the utmost cordiality before they tear their whiskers off and get down to cases.

Swift almost as though the intense odor, midway between gasoline and banana oil, leaped to the corners of the half-merged living room and kitchen.

It's a superaromatic superalcohol, you know, that tickles the top of your sinuses, and it smells like God-knows-whatsuper banana oil.

The air was warm, and though the odors of grease and banana oil and gasoline still clung lightly to it, he also smelled the smell that moist grass gives off on a warm evening, although it was not truly evening but black day at that time, as he stood there and looked about him until his eyes adjusted and he saw a narrow bench and moved to seat himself upon it, his back against the gray concrete, listening to the noises of the crickets in the weeds and lighting another cigarette and flipping the match toward the heap of fenders and axles and engine blocks all a-rust and .

It was pure, blatant banana oil, liberally laced with hogwash, but experience had taught Prince Gallantine that villains ate up such stuff with a spoon.

He chews up a Three-Fruit Joltbar, savouring the familiar taste of banana oil and sweetened varnish, and feels the energy surge.