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bamboo palm
  1. n. small graceful palm with reedlike stems and leaf bases clothed with loose coarse fibers [syn: miniature fan palm, fern rhapis, Rhapis excelsa]

  2. a palm of the genus Raffia [syn: Raffia vinifera]

Bamboo palm

Bamboo palm is a plant name applied to certain genera and species of palm trees. They are unrelated to true bamboos.

  • Chamaedorea
  • Dypsis, specifically Dypsis lutescens, native to Madagascar
  • Raphia, specifically Raphia vinifera, native to Nigeria

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Usage examples of "bamboo palm".

The sheriff crouched next to a jaundiced potted bamboo palm, vainly reaching for a tiny, greasy window in the front door, the only source of natural light in the waiting room.