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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Balzacian \Balzacian\ adj. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Honore Balzac.

Usage examples of "balzacian".

Dostoyevsky seems to have quickly lost interest in rivalling the Balzacian novel, if indeed he was ever tempted by it.

Remember her when you read books in which beautiful, scented Balzacian courtesans or Dostoevsky harlot-saints appear.

But when I compare him with the Balzacian hauteur and the preposterous posing of many of our Fleet Street decadent geniuses, I feel a movement of the blood which declares that perhaps there are worse things than War.

At a pinch, and by dint of seeing seventy times books and kids bracketed together, one would think that they are equally the fruits of imagination and dream, the miraculous products of an ideal parthenogenesis able to give at once to woman, apparently, the Balzacian joys of creation and the tender joys of motherhood.