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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Balustered \Bal"us*tered\ (-t[~e]rd), a. Having balusters.

Usage examples of "balustered".

The old oak of the stairs gleamed with wax, and the broad, balustered railings shone with the polish of a half-dozen generations of hands.

They proceeded downward into the garden from the lofty and balustered terrace, Questioner leading the way without at all seeming to do so, while Ellin and Bao chatted inoffensively and commented effusively.

Two shallow marble steps at stage front led up onto a balustered terrace the full depth of the stage back to a painted drop of gardens extending in perspective to a far-off horizon.

Toward a dozen peaks of green copper tile roof, three stories of white stucco and green shutters, columned porticoes, balustered balconies and verandas, arched doors and fanlight windows.