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balsa wood

n. strong lightweight wood of the balsa tree used especially for floats [syn: balsa]

Usage examples of "balsa wood".

The thing was balsa wood, but it was so hard he couldn't dent it with his fingernail.

I've also ordered a tremendous shipment of Peruvian balsa wood for distribution to each of the mess halls in the syndicate on a pro rata basis.

Other Spanish seamen reported sailing past rafts with hulls of balsa wood, bamboo and reed, carrying sixty people and forty or more large crates of trade goods.

It had dropped the crushed billets of balsa wood and had both claws open wide, ready to grab anything that came within reach.

And he has a sheet of balsa wood, stamped with the patterns, and he has a razor blade and a little bowl of glue, with a match sticking out of it.

With one hand he grabbed Maxie under his armpit and lifted him away from Emma, as if the child was as light as balsa wood.

Wesson automatic made out of balsa wood and kept it tucked in his belt at all times, the way he'd read the real FBI agents did.

Fully half of these were balsa wood fakes, to intimidate anyone he came across.

I put aside my pocketknife and the block of balsa wood I was trying to coerce into resembling a marshland mallard.

Seated for funeral celebrations by the Family Dark she was, over time, stashed from room to room, floor to floor, until this small hemp-rope, tobacco-leaf-brown, ancestral relic was lifted, light as balsa wood, to the upper attics where she was covered, smothered, then ignored by a Family eager for survival and forgetful of unremembered deaths' leftovers.

Stashed from room to room, this small hemp-rope tobacco-leaf-brown ancestral relic was lifted, light as balsa wood, to the upper attics where she was covered, smothered, then ignored by a family, eager for survival and forgetful of unremembered deaths' leftovers.

Ben blurted, grabbing the heavy table with one hand as if it were made of balsa wood and stashing it in the corner.

And they did move, fast, the two fighters wielding the heavy shields as if they were made of balsa wood instead of oak and iron.