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Ballyloughloe is a civil parish in County Westmeath, Ireland. It is located about west–south–west of Mullingar.

Ballyloughloe is one of 4 civil parishes in the barony of Clonlonan in the Province of Leinster. The civil parish covers .

Ballyloughloe civil parish comprises 55 townlands: Aghanashanamore, Aghanvoneen, Annaghgortagh, Ardyduffy, Ballydoogan, Ballymurry, Ballynagarbry, Ballynagarbry (Mullock), Ballynagarbry (Pim), Bellanalack, Belville, Boyanaghcalry, Cappaghauneen, Cappaghbrack, Carnfyan, Carnpark, Clonrelick, Clonthread, Clonyegan, Cooleen, Coolvuck Lower, Coolvuck Upper, Correagh, Creeve, Creevebeg, Dunegan, Dunlom East, Dunlom West, Fassagh, Glebe, Glen, Killachonna (Castlemaine), Killachonna (Clibborn), Killachonna (Potts), Killeenatoor, Killinroan, Knockdomny, Labaun, Legan, Mackanranny, Magheramore, Mount Temple, Moydrum, Nahod Little, Nahod More, Rathduff, Shurock, Tullaghanshanlin, Tully, Tullybane, Tullywood, Twyford, Warren High, Warren Lower and Williamstown.

The neighbouring civil parishes are: Ballymore, Drumraney and Kilkenny West to the north, Kilcumreragh to the east, Kilcleagh and Kilmanaghan to the south and St. Mary's to the west.