Crossword clues for balkiness
The Collaborative International Dictionary
balkiness \balkiness\ n. 1. likely to stop abruptly and unexpectedly.
n. The state or quality of being balky.
n. likely to stop abruptly and unexpectedly
Usage examples of "balkiness".
If anyone had harmed Moonshine, or Colin, who for all his perverse balkiness was the only fellow she'd ever met she could genuinely profess herself to be fond of, she would categorically dismember the culprit with her own hands.
But Anna had experience with the balkiness of international alerts, knew how the bureaucracies of each border authority impeded the efficient execution of security directives.
Each in his way stayed as surly-sullen as the camel that displayed a more and more dour balkiness at this preposterous excursion from the healthy desert.
I am much more enthusiastic now about our new plan for Evanston, and I'll be better braced for overcoming any more balkiness on the part of our professor in Florida.
He had realized quite early that the enlarged project had not been taken up just to circumvent his balkiness-the transcript of authorization had shown him that.