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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Balk line

Balk \Balk\ (b[add]k), n. [AS. balca beam, ridge; akin to Icel. b[=a]lkr partition, bj[=a]lki beam, OS. balko, G. balken; cf. Gael. balc ridge of earth between two furrows. Cf. Balcony, Balk, v. t., 3d Bulk.]

  1. A ridge of land left unplowed between furrows, or at the end of a field; a piece missed by the plow slipping aside.

    Bad plowmen made balks of such ground.

  2. A great beam, rafter, or timber; esp., the tie-beam of a house. The loft above was called ``the balks.''

    Tubs hanging in the balks.

  3. (Mil.) One of the beams connecting the successive supports of a trestle bridge or bateau bridge.

  4. A hindrance or disappointment; a check.

    A balk to the confidence of the bold undertaker.

  5. A sudden and obstinate stop; a failure.

  6. (Baseball) A deceptive gesture of the pitcher, as if to deliver the ball. It is illegal and is penalized by allowing the runners on base to advance one base.

    Balk line (Billiards), a line across a billiard table near one end, marking a limit within which the cue balls are placed in beginning a game; also, a line around the table, parallel to the sides, used in playing a particular game, called the balk line game.

Usage examples of "balk line".

He is permitted, under most state laws, to double as a poll watcher, thus keeping a running record of who has voted for the automobile workers, provided he does no electioneering while inside the balk line.

At the first balk line I stopped and bowed, then again at the second, then at last a deep bow at the third, just before the steps.

He reached the first balk line, where a subject stopped and knelt to the Empress, and kept walking, pressed by an urgency in his mind, pushed forward by his ghosts.