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"Balgar" is satirical animated web series created by Nedelcho Bogdanov. Set in the town of Nessebar, but does not describe the real people and events. The main characters are parody. Special guest actor in the first season is the Bulgarian radio and TV host Niki Kanchev. The series is offered to broadcast a number of Bulgarian televisions, but eventually its premiere takes place on the Internet.

The pilot episode was created in 2008, the last seventh series of the first season was completed in January 2010. The second season began on October 25, 2011, the third of January 22, 2013 fourth start in early 2015 just after "Balgar Movie."

In an interview for Darik radio, held on February 18, 2014, the director of "Balgar" - Nedelcho Bogdanov mentioned that his team began work on developing a feature film that will be aired in cinemas by the end of the year.