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a. Somewhat bald; balding.

Usage examples of "baldish".

A baldish, pudgy man named Casher was summoned when Harry inquired for machinery, without specifying the kind that he wanted.

Before the sheriff could quiz Huling further, two deputies came in with a baldish, scared-looking man who was trying to stammer explanations.

Above the shirt collar, Meldon saw a moonish face with bulging eyes, topped by a baldish pate.

Among the other Sotharians in captivity were the old wise man or shaman of the tribe, a personage called Coph, who bore a marked resemblance to Professor Potter, being skinny and white-bearded and baldish.

Sagging deep in his throne, Xanadu removed his turban and used the sleeve of his robe to mop the perspiration from a baldish head.

When the eighth waiter, a baldish, rat-faced fellow, entered the office, Harry decided that he could mark off employees as unimportant visitors.

Near a corner, close to a row of filing cabinets, sat a rotund, baldish man who was checking over lists.

He and his wife lived upstairs, and in the drawing and dining rooms, which had each French windows opening on the lawn, and all about the ground floor generally, Jessica, who was now a lean and lined and baldish but still very efficient and energetic old woman, kept her three cows and a multitude of gawky hens.