Crossword clues for balanced
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
balanced \bal"anced\ adj. being in a state of proper balance or equilibrium; -- opposite of unbalanced. the carefully balanced seesaw a properly balanced symphony orchestra a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history a balanced blend of whiskeys the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers [Narrower terms: counterbalanced, counter-balanced, counterpoised; well-balanced; poised]
Containing elements in appropriate proportion. v
(en-past of: balance)
adj. being in a state of proper balance or equilibrium; "the carefully balanced seesaw"; "a properly balanced symphony orchestra"; "a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history"; "a balanced blend of whiskeys"; "the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers" [ant: unbalanced]
total debits and credits are equal; "the books looked balanced"
Usage examples of "balanced".
Shaped like an enormous spider and forged from solid adamantine, it balanced on eight curved legs.
As Timothy moved the craft in for a closer look, he saw the hairless Alastor balanced on his two back legs on the outcropping of stone, his front paws swatting at the bird.
Micum began with the basics, teaching Alec how to grip the weapon so that it balanced to his advantage, what stances presented the smallest target to an opponent, and simple slash and parry maneuvers.
Now she watched everything avidly, her grip on his waist and the back of his saddle just enough to keep her steady and balanced, and when he looked back at her, she was smiling, and her kohl-lined eyes were wide and bright.
At the door of the garden is a renewal of the same salutations and curtseys, and then the two groups of women separate, their bedaubed paper lanterns fade away trembling in the distance, balanced at the extremity of flexible canes which they hold in their fingertips as one would hold a fishing-rod in the dark to catch night-birds.
I asked the Republicans to work with the White House and the Democrats in the same spirit that had produced the bipartisan welfare reform bill in 1996 and the Balanced Budget Act in 1997.
But Sam balanced that against his desperate need to find and stop six men bent on harming and probably killing Michael Bowden and likely many others.
He had pretty much arranged all the hard bulkiness of memory and grief into a balanced load when Meryd came into his life and the load, for a time, became immeasurably lighter.
Nemo looked up to see a long-legged man with hazel eyes, bushy dark eyebrows, and a ridiculously huge black mustache that balanced like a canoe upon his lip.
A succession of hasty directions to the leading cabman, one of the most docile of men, ended in the performance of a marvellous piece of jugglery with the big trunk, which he first balanced for an infinitesimal period of time on his nose, and then caught with his big toe.
With a pile of diet wafers and a snack bar balanced on a saucer in one hand, a pot of caff in the other, and a notebook under his arm, Procyon navigated the door of his basement home office, elbowed the switch, and let the robot turn the lights on.
A few steps behind her was her cameraman with a camcorder balanced on his right shoulder.
Intelligent, balanced, speaking seven languages, she could barely bring herself to go to Allerso, population fifty, within sight of the caravanserai, practically owned by Mike.
The oak mallet he brandished was no threat compared with the quarterstaff Cashel balanced easily in one hand.
Oleg, his contact, sat opposite him in a dowdily covered chair, a tumbler of malt whisky balanced on its wide arm.