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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bagman \Bag"man\, n.; pl. Bagmen. A commercial traveler; one employed to solicit orders for manufacturers and tradesmen.


n. (plural of bagman English)

Usage examples of "bagmen".

In the ideal, Sennett would tape several payoffs to these bagmen, confront them, make a deal, and get them to record the delivery of money to the judges.

Over the years Robbie had made `drops' to many judges and he retained vivid recall of each occasion and of the envelopes of cash quietly passed in men's rooms and cafeterias and taverns to assorted bagmen and, much more rarely, to the judges themselves.

The Brendan Tuoheys of the world had bagmen and intervenors and a thousand layers of protection.

An address book that included the names and phone numbers of four ranking Jack Dragna strongarms, listings for three other Dragna bagmen--cops he knew when he was LAPD--and a weird listing: ``Karen Hiltscher, W.

In the lower window are seen two bagmen playing apparently at the game of cribbage, over which they yawn much.

She uses the warming-pan as a weapon wherewith she wards off the attention of the bagmen.

He had also recognized a miscellany of muscle men and runners, plus a couple of black bagmen who were probably from the city's Fillmore District, the black neighborhood.

Miller was in his office, slipping envelopes to a couple of Immigration Service goons-big guys with that hinky look indigenous to bagmen worldwide.

Miller was in his office, slipping envelopes to a couple of Immigration Service goonsbig guys with that hinky look indigenous to bagmen worldwide.

These scenes-of-the-crimes examiners knew of but didn’t much like the name which Minogue most often heard them referred to: bagmen.