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Bâgé may refer to several communes in France:

  • Bâgé-la-Ville, in the Ain department
  • Bâgé-le-Châtel, in the Ain department

Bagé is a municipality in the south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In 2007 its population was 164,550 (IBGE) in a total area of 4,096 km. It was the tenth largest city in the state in 2007

Usage examples of "bage".

I wolf down salad makings, damp British biscuits a day short of mold, balls of rice as lugubrious as snot, saturated in lentil and cabbage sauce.

Life which learned how to utilize its wasteits foul mouth, its evolutionary garbage, its inspiration!

The local Buddhists of Namche bazaar are certainly religious, but that has not prevented their dumping local garbage in the single spring that provides them with their water.

In the early nineteenth century, during Admiral Lord Nelson's time, London was one of the filthiest cities in the world, teeming with garbage, and with the garbage, plenty of rats, fleas, and pigeons.

It was here that Marx and his family lived, on potatoes and cabbage, for nearly a decade.

Typically, the visibility is limited by garbage in the air to about three miles.

Didn't you see the thick layer of garbage near the waterfall, or the blue-green pall of an oil slick covering the marsh area beneath the tower?

On the edge of the small city, I see a vast array of garbage, some of it being burned in open dumps, other assorted refuse capped in leaky oil drums.

Other sailors were walking past, cursing under crates of cab-bages on their backs.

The messenger, a small seaman first class named Mackenzie, promptly sat down on a crate of cabbages, with a happy sigh.

All the rest of this garbage we rake over because the captain, bless his intellectual curiosity, wants to snoop on the fleet's activities.

Even if it seemed absurd to mention it-a floating log, a tin can, a spread of garbage dumped from a ship-he gravely announced it.

There remained the stinking cabbage crates, and the pile of officers' laundry, and the helmets with new names painted on them in red, drying in the sun, and the dirty nest of life jackets on which some sailor had slept, and the oozing black puddle of galley fuel oil which a cook had slopped on the deck.

Why, secret pubs are jammed and flopped around in that safe like garbage.

Naked sailors were diving off some of the anchored ships, splashing merrily in water which was no longer blue, but yellow-brown and full of garbage.