The Badzhgard land or Bashkurd country - it mean Historical Bashkortostan , Historical Bashkiria , historical and geographical area in Volga and Ural, inhabited by the Bashkirs. At present, the territory is located Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg and Chelyabinsk oblast, the eastern part of the Republic of Tatarstan, the south-eastern part of Udmurtia, the southern part of the Perm Krai, the south-western part of the Sverdlovsk oblast, the western part of the Kurgan, the north-eastern part of Samara, the eastern part of the Saratov regions.
The historical, ethnographic, linguistic and other studies to refer to the territory in which at different periods of history settled different Bashkir tribes.
And synonymous and are older versions of the names of this territory: Bashgurd, Bashgird, Bashgird, Baskardiya, Bashgird, Fiyafi Bashkyrt/Barrens Bashkyrt, country Bashkir, country Bastarks, Bashkyrd, Bashdzhard, Bashkiria, Pascatir, Bashirdi and etc. The reference area titled "Bashgurd" is found in the Fazalallah Rashid ad-Din (XIV century), " Oghuz-name".
The most widespread Slavic name - Bashkiria, which is used in official documents, historical works, literary works, and etc.
The concept of "historical Bashkortostan" relates the concept of Greater Hungary (Major Hungaria, Magna Hungaria) - hypothetical homeland of ancient Hungarians - Magyars, referred to the XIII century Franciscan monk Giovanni da Plano Carpini in the statement of his journey. Her search takes 1230 years of the Hungarian Dominicans, most famous of which Friar Julian.