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bad influences

n. (bad influence English)

Usage examples of "bad influences".

The absence of typhoid and typhus fevers amongst all the causes which are supposed to generate these diseases, appeared to be due to the fact that the great majority of these prisoners had been in captivity in Virginia, at Belle Island, and in other parts of the Confederacy for months, and even as long as two years, and during this time they had been subjected to the same bad influences, and those who had not had these fevers before either had them during their confinement in Confederate prisons or else their systems, from long exposure, were proof against their action.

Well brought-up youths in the higher classes thus often escape the bad influences of the situation in their early years, and only experience them when, arrived at manhood, they fall under the dominion of facts as they really exist.

But as a man - and always a slave of God - I love this young man, our foster son and water brother, and I would not have him come under bad influences.

And those so-called `spiritual' infamies are but a part of their bad influences.

The george here'll chop up the Worm, the Mage'll hold back the bad influences—.

It was generally felt that, given a year or two of experience, introduced to good dress-makers, and preserved from bad influences, she would be an acquisition.

Like everything else around her, it was spelled to keep bad influences out, and any stray magic she did in.