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n. (plural of backside English)

Usage examples of "backsides".

The image of the black horsetails streaking from their backsides, their heads held high by the bits, obliterated all other thoughts in an instant.

And the naked men inside them, two and three to a stall, their backsides well striped from the belt, their very sturdy legs firmly planted on the floor, their torsos bent over a thick wooden beam, their arms bound in the small of their backs as they merely stood there.

I stared in a daze at the long row of stalls, the backsides of the pony slaves, their horseshoed boots on the hay-strewn earth.

We trotted fast, muscles tingling, backsides smarting under the strap, the bits pulled harshly back, the pace just a little too quick for us so that it soon had us crying.

With ships coming up their backsides and under their bellies at V that could cross a planetary diameter in seconds.

They've had their backsides to the fire here, and it's sure she didn't help their case.

Pyanfar snapped, blinking at a blur of lights, and felt blind after the general hail: "Chanur, get your backsides up here!

They’ve had their backsides to the fire here, and it’s sure she didn’t help their case.

The afternoon breeze had stiffened, and spring or no spring, it was chilly enough to pave their backsides with goose bumps at the very thought of undressing.

He hickied the silhouette of crescent moons on the backsides of shimmy-shammy princesses all over Manhattan.

She hadn't been eyeball to pigment since before Thanksgiving, unless you could count the paintings that leaned against every wall of her apartment, flaunting their blank backsides as if mooning David Hockney.

Think about it, we now have two guardians protecting our backsides, this stink,” he waved a hand, “and those crabs.

More slid down into the ditch on their backsides, clambered carefully through the obstacles and the mud, and began climbing the steep slope on the other side.

Be a thief in the back streets and the low taverns and the markets of Hastarl, close to the wizards' backsides, and wait and watch and learn.

The problem is that the rest of the world always seems to reach out and thrust blades into our backsides while we're trying to ignore it.